Zematra Condition Monitoring Equipment




Since several decades, the Industry has benefited from the in-house knowledge and technology of the Zematra portable test equipment for monitoring efficient plant operation on board sea going vessels, off shore platforms, power stations, etc.

Meeting the requirements of a possible QM Programme, purchase departments have the confirmation that the proper quantity and/or quality was delivered; technicians have a comprehensive tool for avoiding excessive wear, power faillure, delay or even damage. Above all, results are available on the spot.

Zematra Marine Test Kits

A wide range of easy to use test kits are available at Zematra. Whether you would like to test on water, viscosity, compatibility or any other parameter, Zematra test kits always provide accurate results when and where you need it.

Zematra Sampling Equipment

Every fuel oil, lubricating oil or cargo analysis is destined to fail if the quality of the sample is doubtful. Proper and accurate equipment is essential for any quantity survey. Zematra offers a complete range of products which will help you to start out right.

Zematra Mini Lab

The flagship of our Condition Monitoring product line. This kit enables you to test on every possible parameter you can think of. The test equipment can be neatly stowed inside the cabinet and is easily accessible when needed. The Mini Lab is fitted with interior lighting.