Sampling pumps 

Vampire pumps have brought a new level of performance to fluid sampling. Their durability, simplicity, versatility and ease of operation give a distinct advantage over competitive models. Companies such as environmental clean-up, trucking, mass transit systems, laboratories etcetera have all found the Vampire pumps to be invaluable. With the Vampire pumps the sample liquid only comes into contact with the suction tube and the sample bottle, and thus keeping the pump perfectly clean.

The standard sampling pump is: Vampire Pump 38-X (product code 1001017).
This pump has an internal diameter of 38 mm to fit most of our sampling bottles.
For other bottles there are also the versions: 21X, 28X and 32X, which represents the diameter.

Sampling bottles

In addition to the sampling pumps, Zematra also offers a wide array of opaque HDPE sample bottles ranging
from 60 ml to 960 ml

Sample bottle product codes:

60 ml 201-02
90 ml 200-03
120 ml 201-04*
240 ml 200-08
480 ml 201-16
960 ml 200-32

* for extra clear PET:  201-04C

NEW: We now also have a sampling bottle which can go through a mailbox (product code 1001136)


These bottles all have a diameter of 38 mm and fit perfectly on the Vampire 38X pumps
We have several adapters to fit also other kind of bottles or other pumps to fit these 38 mm bottles.


For good advise about all of this, please contact our Zematra sales department: